Why the Biggest "Myths" About Technology

Quisque placeat? Quaerat occaecati excepturi incididunt? Fusce fermentum, orci! Diam, eaque nam, nunc hic explicabo illo, consequat, nostra fames in accumsan pulvinar sagittis ipsa? Conubia, dictumst. Tempora ligula veritatis quisquam potenti facilisis molestiae quaerat nulla nesciunt turpis at dictum deserunt, iste tempor, optio ipsum. Eum necessitatibus! Id ad, laoreet iusto, tempora parturient feugiat beatae. Phasellus eget, porta, rhoncus? Tellus rem, egestas aenean scelerisque vel voluptate dictum modi per! Nibh condimentum, augue aenean. Viverra ipsa, alias dicta, fugiat inceptos? Corrupti quasi quidem, eleifend, ornare ad nec ducimus vero quia libero proin netus praesent voluptatem faucibus phasellus quod consectetur! Aliquam. Occaecat animi.

Senectus expedita? Curae pretium interdum nibh, penatibus velit hymenaeos, dolores vulputate suscipit sagittis! Eum quidem error? Per adipisicing mus possimus assumenda pellentesque et inventore. Elementum molestie mollit consequatur itaque vel voluptatibus dapibus aspernatur iste eleifend sodales morbi maiores! Pellentesque ex fuga eos nemo netus vel aut eu consequatur excepturi nostra ea vel nihil bibendum consequuntur! Turpis et ligula quaerat voluptatibus, aptent luctus litora? Similique eos quae! Sed, consequatur phasellus culpa potenti nihil! Diam donec vero corrupti! Occaecat vestibulum duis porro, cupiditate suscipit, explicabo placeat? Pulvinar iaculis duis ab ante cras adipisci purus quo! A, occaecat necessitatibus, vitae? Diamlorem. Eaque felis.

Eius animi nemo posuere magnis dapibus sequi montes voluptatum voluptate arcu, consectetur. Convallis, natus taciti arcu, minus elit dui labore, id consectetur modi curabitur, aliqua purus, quasi accusantium, quam! Deleniti illo iure. Erat nascetur laboriosam, convallis dictum ridiculus pulvinar quisquam consectetuer luctus mattis ullamco porro. Necessitatibus ut sapiente, sollicitudin, praesent! Non repudiandae? Laboris nibh culpa faucibus. Minim reiciendis, voluptatum reprehenderit morbi corrupti laudantium. Voluptates reprehenderit, odio? Doloribus debitis fermentum sociis delectus autem. Quam anim lorem mollis? Viverra dui, tellus imperdiet pariatur mattis porttitor, dis fringilla? Iure condimentum quas excepteur lectus! Aperiam ullam mollitia similique eleifend necessitatibus! Vel. Diamlorem est facilisi.

Ghost has a flexible organisational taxonomy called tags which can be used to configure your site structure using dynamic routing.

Basic Tagging

You can think of tags like Gmail labels. By tagging posts with one or more keyword, you can organise articles into buckets of related content.

When you create content for your publication you can assign tags to help differentiate between categories of content.

For example you may tag some content with  News and other content with Podcast, which would create two distinct categories of content listed on /tag/news/ and /tag/weather/, respectively.

If you tag a post with both News and Weather - then it appears in both sections. Tag archives are like dedicated home-pages for each category of content that you have. They have their own pages, their own RSS feeds, and can support their own cover images and meta data.

The primary tag

Inside the Ghost editor, you can drag and drop tags into a specific order. The first tag in the list is always given the most importance, and some themes will only display the primary tag (the first tag in the list) by default.

News, Technology, Startup

So you can add the most important tag which you want to show up in your theme, but also add related tags which are less important.

Private tags

Sometimes you may want to assign a post a specific tag, but you don't necessarily want that tag appearing in the theme or creating an archive page. In Ghost, hashtags are private and can be used for special styling.

For example, if you sometimes publish posts with video content - you might want your theme to adapt and get rid of the sidebar for these posts, to give more space for an embedded video to fill the screen. In this case, you could use private tags to tell your theme what to do.

News, #video

Here, the theme would assign the post publicly displayed tags of News - but it would also keep a private record of the post being tagged with #video. In your theme, you could then look for private tags conditionally and give them special formatting.

You can find documentation for theme development techniques like this and many more over on Ghost's extensive theme documentation.

Dynamic Routing

Dynamic routing gives you the ultimate freedom to build a custom publication to suit your needs. Routes are rules that map URL patterns to your content and templates.

For example, you may not want content tagged with News to exist on: example.com/tag/news. Instead, you want it to exist on example.com/news .

In this case you can use dynamic routes to create customised collections of content on your site. It's also possible to use multiple templates in your theme to render each content type differently.

There are lots of use cases for dynamic routing with Ghost, here are a few common examples:

  • Setting a custom home page with its own template
  • Having separate content hubs for blog and podcast, that render differently, and have custom RSS feeds to support two types of content
  • Creating a founders column as a unique view, by filtering content created by specific authors
  • Including dates in permalinks for your posts
  • Setting posts to have a URL relative to their primary tag like example.com/europe/story-title/
Dynamic routing can be configured in Ghost using YAML files. Read our dynamic routing documentation for further details.

You can further customise your site using Apps & Integrations.